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Lee Quai Quat's tigers

A friend in Program says:

It's always easier to see others' lack of enlightenment than our own.

In the movie Bedazzled from 1967, Peter Cook (as the Devil) and Dudley Moore (as Stanley Moon, a short-order cook in a hamburger joint) make the usual pact that Stanley will receive seven wishes in exchange for his soul. And as usual with these bargains, Stanley gets the short end of the stick. Returning from another failed fantasy, Stanley finds the Devil on top of a telephone pole, deliberately mis-directing phone calls. The Devil reminds him of the story of Lee Quai Quat, the Eastern master who found himself hanging perilously off a cliff with a ferocious tiger snapping above him and another on the ground below him. What should Lee Quai Quat do?

Stanley is dismissive -- the stupid man, he says, should never have got into that predicament to begin with. Upon which, the Devil remarks:

"Here you are half way up a pole in Berkshire, half your wishes gone, and damned in the hereafter for all eternity. You've got nothing to learn from Lee Quai Quat's tigers, have you?"

Are we practicing Step 10 well enough that -- rather than seeing the foolishness of people like Lee Quai Quat -- we see day by day how (like Stanley Moon) we are the sole creators of our own problems?

"The spiritual life is never one of achievement:
it is always one of letting go."

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