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The rest of Step Nine

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A friend in Program says:

Step 9 is never really finished. We may make, or begin to make, the bulk of our amends early on in Program; but the process is never over.

Dealing with "the rest of Step Nine" is partly the role of Step 10. We can see this most clearly in our dealings with those who are close to us. At some point in our Program we probably made formal amends to those people. But if we think for one moment that the business of amends to them is now over, here's a simple exercise to show us that it isn't.

Suppose you were to ask your spouse or close friend the following question: I've worked my program for a long time and I've done Step 9 with many people, including you. I believe I'm making all the amends I can to you. But is there anything I do, anything in my behavior towards you, which you believe in your heart of hearts I still need to change?

Well, what do you suppose your friend's or spouse's reply would be? No, there's nothing you need to change -- you're perfect right now? Or do you think your spouse or friend might reply, Perhaps there are a couple of things you might change ...?

Of course we still have things to work on. Some of them only came to light as we began to work Steps 10, 11 and 12. And that is the role of Step 10, practiced on an on-going basis. It helps us both identify and correct these newly-discovered flaws in our make-up. Step 9 is never finished with. Our practice of it blends imperceptibly with our practice of Step 10 -- assuming, that is, that we are doing Step 10 continuously, as the AA Big Book urges.

"The spiritual life is never one of achievement:
it is always one of letting go."

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