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This Way of Living
What worked for us - and what didn't work. What we do, and what we don't do.
Let's begin with what didn't work for us.
Ignoring or downplaying Steps 10 and 11 didn't work for us. Some of us couldn't even stay sober or abstinent at all. Some of us got sober from one addiction, only to relapse into another. Some of us stayed sober or abstinent for a long time and attempted to live like "normal" people, but we seemed even at our best to be prey to fears, disappointments, or anxieties.
Regarding Steps 10 and 11 as "the maintenance Steps" didn't work for us.
Talking about Steps 10 and 11 instead of doing them didn't work. But we found that discussing these Steps is, by itself, not very helpful. Doing them and discussing them is great. Doing them without discussing them is just as great. But discussing them without doing them - that seemed to change very little for us. Now let's talk about what did work for us.
Practicing Step 10 "continually" by ourselves.
Practicing Step 10 one-on-one. Most of us do this with someone at least once a week, over coffee or a meal, or at one another's homes. We can also do it in a one-on-one video session, but we prefer face-to-face where possible.
Practicing Step 10 in small private groups.
Meditating alone.
Meditating one-on-one.
Meditating in small private groups. Again, we don't do this in large groups, or (with a few exceptions) in a 12-Step meeting. There are many 12-Step meditation meetings across the country, and they work well for some members of 12-Step groups. But we have found that doing Step 11 without first doing Step 10 doesn't work too well for us, and - as we said - we have also found that Step 10 is usually best done in a small group or community. We describe here how we do this.
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