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This Way of Living
For us, memory and imagination can be excellent servants. They can also be terrible masters.
We have found that our practice of the last three Steps is like an anti-time machine without any wheels. Wherever we we work these Steps, we're always here. Whenever we work these Steps, it's always now. Right here and right now. If we're always right here and and it's always right now, it follows that Step 10 can only remove the fear that we feel right here and right now. That is no real limitation, because it's always now and we're always here. Unless, of course, our imaginations or our memories have taken control of us.
When we are unafraid When we are unafraid, memory is also a friend. It allows us to recall what happened in the past. Or - at least - what we think happened in the past.
When we are afraid
Only three problems .... That's why our practice always starts with Step 10.
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